How to make a bunkhouse out of a Lake District School

How we created Lowick School Bunkhouse

It’s hard to believe that what is now an amazing bunkhouse with facilities for 22 guests was once an empty and unloved Primary School. Here’s how we brought it back to life…

Take one unused primary school with fantastic views in the Lake District

Lowick School, front left.  Coniston mountains in the background

Try not to get disheartened by the work that needs doing on it.












Clean it up and use it as an activity base for a few years and then make plans for a bunkhouse

Get permission and get going – demolition!

Get a load of wood and get started!

Then find out that half the floor isn’t supported on anything!


The unsupported floor – fixed now!
Block off the staff kitchen


Create a big climbing frame
Have a coffee
Do a bit of sanding
Re work the bathrooms a little
Create some spaghetti decorations, get a huuuuge water tank and do lots and lots more work…

Get everyone helping…

Seb and Toby ‘loving it’
Have a big bonfire


Seb getting the mattresses ready
(before they’ve returned to normal thickness)
The night before the first group arrived!


And after a bit of a clean up you get a fab new bunkhouse…


Bunkhouse Kitchen Dining Room


Bunkhouse lounge




Bunkhouse Bedroom

Ta Da!

If you would like to come and experience the bunkhouse for yourself – details, prices and availability are all on our website